Animal Welfare Act 2006 and Code of Practice for the Welfare of Dogs 2010
The United Kingdom”s Animal Welfare Act was passed in 2006 which makes it an offence to mistreat or neglect an animal for which someone is responsible. A person may be prosecuted by the RSPCA, Local Authority or Police for failure to uphold the welfare principles of the Act.
In 2010 the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs produced a Code of Practice for the Welfare of Dogs as a guide to dog owners, local authorities and RSPCA of a dog’s needs under the Animal Welfare Act.
A dog’s basic needs must be met:
its need for a suitable environment
its need for a suitable diet
its need to be able to exhibit normal behaviour
any need it has to be housed with, or kept apart from, other animals
its need to be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease
Everything you need to know about Canine Chiari Malformation and/or Syringomyelia.
Dr. Clare Rusbridge’s Frequently Asked Questions web page is up and running! Please visit for more information about Canine Chiari Malformation and/or Syringomyelia (CM/SM) affecting the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel:
Recently there has been news about a search for a gene which is still in the early stages, may help protect Cavaliers against early onset Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease (MMVD). This gene is called the NEBL3 gene.
Dougall is 17 years and 2 months. He was first diagnosed with a murmur at age 11; is regularly checked by the vet and cardiologist and remains B1 (earliest stage of the disease with no heart enlargement), NO medication for his heart.
As Dougall has remained stable we decided to carry out the DNA test.
The MMVD result was a surprise – his result was genetically affected for Myxomatous mitral valve disease [MMVD]. To date, 97% of Cavaliers have this result.
Even though we were surprised at the result we hope this will give re-assurance and comfort to people who have a similar result.
Further Reading
Dr Dougall’s MMVD Research Results
The 2022 Australian NEBL3 study (which is not even in the pilot study stage) found 6 NEBL3 cavaliers; 5 of which they had diagnosed as having Mitral Valve Disease before the study began. However all 5 had milder cases of MMVD than the average of the other dogs in the study.
It is hoped that future studies with more NEBL3 cavaliers will show that the NEBL3 mutation slows down the progression of Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease (MMVD) in the breed.
Swedish Research News
A mandatory heart screening program was introduced in Sweden and the risk of dying before age 10 is now almost half of what it was prior to the program; early cases of heart murmurs and heart failure is almost gone from the Swedish population. However the Swedish breed club stated that Mitral Valve Disease and Syringomyelia are near to impossible to extinguish in a screening programme unless new genes are added to the breed. The Finnish and Swedish Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Clubs have started cross-breeding programs to improve the health of the breed.
Happy 17th Birthday to our most beautiful, perfect and handsome boy.
Dougall arrived at Castle Castle almost 17yrs ago, together with his best friend Molly. Dougall was a playful, loving and cheeky puppy. He grew into the perfect companion with a huge, kind heart, sharing his Castle with other unfortunate rescue Cavaliers along the way.
Dougall has developed many skills over the years including qualifying as a famous doctor. Lovely Little Miss Lulu is his latest sweetheart; she has settled beautifully into Castle life sharing some of the daily duties.
Dougall and Molly are the inspiration behind Cavalier Matters charity. The very reason it was formed was due to the experiences dealing with both Molly and Dougall’s diagnoses (CM and CM/SM – Syringomyelia) and the struggle to understand these complicated conditions. At that time there was very little information.
We treasure every moment with our very special senior.
Our patron, Clare Rusbridge said in an interview for The Guardian that dog breeds must be ‘rebooted’ to halt health problems. It was the 8th most popular article of the day. You can read the full article here.
Prof. Clare Rusbridge, leading expert on Chiari-like Malformation (CM) and Syringomyelia (SM) (CM/SM) in Cavaliers, has launched a new YouTube channel for a series of bite sized videos on this painful disease.