
Park Etiquette

Dog Park EtiquettePick-up after your dog
You shouldn’t have a dog if you aren’t prepared to clean-up after them.

Not every dog wants to say hello
This is easily the most common gripe.

Train your children
In some instances, we see better trained dogs than we do children. Dogs can find children very intimidating.

No recall – keep lead on!
If your dog doesn’t have a good recall, don’t let it off lead.

Pass the lead
If you are walking your dog off lead its sensible and good manners to put your dog on lead before you pass another dog.

Dog Park EtiquetteSit and wait
If you are walking your dog on a path, other dogs should also be on lead as it’s an offence to have them off lead under the road traffic act. It’s good etiquette to find a space to ask your dog to sit whilst the other dog safely passes.

Find a space
If you are exercising your dog in an open area and want to play ball or have them off lead, its common courtesy and sensible to do this away from the dogs that are on lead or already playing in that area.

Respect and help
Look out for dogs with yellow leads, bandanas or jackets as they may be part of a yellow dog campaign, which is designed to warn other owners their dog needs space.
