
Beebee Loses Her Battle

Beebee Blenheim CavalierWe are so very sorry to share the news that Beebee has lost her battle with CM/SM [Syringomyelia] and MVD. Beebee was famous for her petite size and extraordinary appetite, she was also the face of the Cavaliers are Special Campaign.

This was started by a group of pet owners campaigning for a healthier future for their beloved Cavaliers, including the petition for mandatory health testing, as little was being done by the UK Kennel Club to encourage breeders to use the testing schemes available to them.

At its close, the petition held 70,088 signatories.

April 2012 – June 2022

Written by owner Charlotte Mackaness

Beebee was born in a Jubilee year and died in one too – a true little Princess.

I can’t believe that my precious little one is gone forever and that I’ll never again see her pootling around the field with me on a “horse poo safari” or catch her opening a cupboard for an illicit snack.

Beebee Blenheim CavalierI feel so lucky to have had 10 years with her; more than we could ever have imagined after the devastating diagnosis of severe CM/SM at such a young age and the long list of health problems that followed. I suspect she never knew a normal life but was such a trooper and so good natured considering everything.

People were always drawn to her because she was the cutest little button but what a price she paid for it – a life of constant headaches and pain, although we did our very best to manage her symptoms.

It was most definitely her time and she left in an instant while munching on a chocolate digestive. As I left her for the last time, Beebee didn’t look like a 10 year-old-dog but one far older; her body ravaged by ill health. I truly hope something good came out of Beebee’s life: hopefully a few people became aware of Cavalier health issues and asked more questions about health tests before buying a Cavalier puppy.

Beebee Blenheim CavalierI’ve met some amazing people because of Beebee and for that I will be forever grateful. However, I’ve also seen the other side of Cavaliers: I feel deeply depressed that so little has been done to improve the outlook for the breed other than meaningless lip service, and that the foxes are well and truly in charge of the hen house.

To those who bred her, she was Pascavale Nola. To us she was our little Beebee, Libby Libster – totally adored bundle of fluff, galloping gourmet and Queen of the house!

She will be greatly missed by the whole family.
