Cognitive Dysfunction in Cavaliers – 6th Aug 2024
As our companions age, they can develop symptoms of Cognitive Dysfunction, similar to human dementia:
- Disorientation – your Cavalier may seem lost or get stuck in corners or may have trouble locating food and water bowls.
- Interactions – alterations in interactions with owners, other animals, or the environment
- Sleep cycle disturbances – howling, pacing, or crying in the middle of the night
- House soiling – they may not remember how to get to the door that leads to the outside
- Activity changes – sleeping more than usual
- Anxiety – separation anxiety, fear in crowded areas or when around other animals, destructive behaviour
There are a number of things we can do to help, including medication such as Vivitonin, Selgian from your vet, and Nutramind supplement which is available online. You can also:
- Give your dog a ‘safe’ area or den
- Make it easy for your dog to find their way and keep furniture in the same place
- Stick to a routine
- Keep your dog safe if they forget commands or toilet training
If your dog suddenly starts to forget their training it can be very frustrating or even dangerous for them, especially if they stop responding to their name when you’re out on walks. If your dog suddenly seems to have forgotten something, try not to get angry or upset with them. Instead try taking steps to keep them safe and stop them becoming confused, like regular trips outside to go to the toilet and keeping them on a lead when out for walks.